

This is a partnership between 正规靠谱赌博软件 and ABC of Southeast 德州.   正规靠谱赌博软件提供 所有注册和培训.  The 正规靠谱赌博软件 instructors are a certified NCCER instructors and 正规靠谱赌博软件 will share daily attendance data with ABC who will record attendance in NCCER数据库.  


丹尼尔唾沫 is a Nederland native, graduating from Nederland High School in 2001.  Mr. Spittler has earned three Associate 度 from the Lamar Institute of Technology.  In addition to his degree in Welding, he holds degrees in Advanced Engine Technology 及电脑辅助制图.




学生s will learn both introductory and intermediate welding skills including:

  1. cutting of ferrous metal while emphasizing welding and cutting safety and basic welding 流程
  2. 氧气气体切割和焊接
  3. 保护金属电弧焊
  4. 药芯电弧焊
  5. 钨极气体保护焊
  6. 气体保护金属弧焊(GMAW)简介

The LSC-PA 中级焊接证书课程 is designed to incorporate all of the classroom activities, laboratory activities and testing involved in earning NCCER一级焊接证书 & 二级焊接.  德州东南部ABC电视台, the local NCCER training center, will file for NCCER certification.


  • Select the 马上申请 button for a list of start dates.
  • Classes meet from 9:00am to 4:15pm Monday through Thursday.
  • 课程将在联合构建器上进行 & 德州东南校区承包商 位于2700 N双子城高速公路,荷兰,TX 77627


  • 学费 for the Certificate Program is $5,200, which includes all necessary supplies.
  • This class is offered on a non-credit basis for those students wanting a rapid path into employment rather than a certificate or 2-year degree. 正因为如此 没有资格获得普通学生资助. 该计划的资金可通过 the Veterans Administration and through the 德州 劳动力 Commission.


学生s must complete each course during the session in which they are enrolled.   学生s falling below 70% of attendance will be automatically dropped from the course.  This class contains both written tests and tests involving the actual demonstration 焊接技术.  学生s must earn a grade average of 70 or above in order 通过这门课.  学生s must pass the technique demonstrations to the satisfaction 课程的讲师.  Only students who successfully pass both the written and demonstration portions of the course will be awarded the 劳动力 Certificate and 特定的NCCER认证.

While it is not possible to earn a partial award of the 中级焊接证书 it is possible to earn a partial award of the NCCER elements of the course.  例如, a student may be certified as complete in the NCCER Core and as complete in NCCER level 1 Welding but they may fail the final elements of the class.  在这种情况下 would be awarded the NCCER certifications that they had earned but would not earn the Certificate in Intermediate Welding or certification for sections of NCCER material 他们没能表现出精通. 


学生s enrolled in the 中级焊接证书课程 will earn credit 以下四门焊接课程:


课程 小时
多工序焊接导论 WLDG 1000 80
采用多种工艺的中间焊接 WLDG 2013 160
先进气体钨极电弧焊(GTAW) WLDG 2051 80
高级保护金属电弧焊(SMAW) WLDG 2043 80





课程描述: 用于氧气焊接和电弧焊的设备. 包括黑色金属的切割. 强调 welding and cutting safety and basic welding 流程.

结业结果: Identify safety procedures associated with oxy-fuel and arc welding and cutting 流程; 并演示基本的焊接和切割.

课程描述: Instruction using layout tools and blueprint reading with demonstration and guided practices with some of the following welding 流程: 氧气气体切割和焊接, 保护金属电弧焊, gas metal arc welding (GMAW), flux-cored arc welding (FCAW), 钨极气体保护焊, or any other approved welding process.

结业结果: Identify proper safety equipment and tools and identify and select the proper welding 给定应用程序的进程. Demonstrate skills training using more than one approved welding process; demonstrate ability to analyze situations and make decisions using skills as taught concerning safety and electrode selections; and select the most economic 并针对给定的任务给出了实际的焊接工艺.


课程描述: Advanced topics in GTAW welding, including welding in various positions and directions.

结业结果: Demonstrate proficiency in various welding positions; describe safety rules and equipment used; and describe the effects of welding parameters in GTAW; weld various joint designs; diagnose welding problems; and perform visual inspection.


课程描述: 基于公认焊接规范的高级主题. 提供各种电极的培训 in shielded metal arc welding 流程 with open V-groove joints in all positions.

结业结果: Describe effects of preheating and post weld heating; explain precautions used when welding various metals and alloys; distinguish between qualification and certification procedures; and discuss problems of welding discontinuities; perform open groove welds with low carbon steel and low alloy electrodes in all positions.




NCCER is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) education foundation created in 1996 as The National 建设教育与研究中心. 它是在支持下开发的 of more than 125 construction CEOs and various association and academic leaders who united to revolutionize training for the construction industry. 共享共享 goal of developing a safe and productive workforce, these companies created a standardized 行业培训和认证项目. 这个进步的项目 evolved into curricula for more than 70 craft areas and a complete series of more than 70 assessments offered in over 4,000 NCCER-accredited training and assessment 美国各地.